Bekinox BK 50/3-KS stainless steel, polyester fiber blend yarn Nm 50/3, dtex 600 by Bekaert
Bekinox W12/18 Stainless steel fibers, blended with wool fibers 80% wool, 20% stainless steel by weight by Bekaert
Bekinox VS/12 100% stainless steel filament by Bekaert
High Flex 3981 kupfer 7X1 fach verseilt by Karl-Grimm company: Karl Grimm
Shieldex® 235/34 dtex HC 100% polyamide coated in silver by Statex
Elitex 110/f34/2ply_PA/Ag 100% polyamide coated in silver by Imbut
Enameled Copper “Magnet Wire” copper, enamel
Scanning electron micrograph of common fibres: Fabric fibers such as linen, hemp, cotton, and silk as viewed under a microscope to examine their hygroscopic* performance – Carl Flügge, Grundriss der Hygiene [Leipzig: Veit, 1897]: *hygroscopic: (of a substance) tending to absorb moisture from the air, relating to humidity or its measurement.
Bekinox VN 14/2
Continuous stainless steel filament yarn
Nm 4.5, Tex 250
by Bekaert
Bekinox BK 50/3-KS
stainless steel, polyester fiber blend yarn
Nm 50/3, dtex 600
by Bekaert
Bekinox W12/18
Stainless steel fibers, blended with wool fibers
80% wool, 20% stainless steel by weight
by Bekaert
Bekinox VS/12
100% stainless steel filament
by Bekaert
High Flex 3981 kupfer 7X1 fach verseilt by Karl-Grimm
company: Karl Grimm
Shieldex® 235/34 dtex HC
100% polyamide coated in silver
by Statex
Elitex 110/f34/2ply_PA/Ag
100% polyamide coated in silver
by Imbut
Enameled Copper “Magnet Wire”
copper, enamel